Please check this link to see all what the Legion of Mary is involved in
The Legion of Mary
Our Lady of Hope and Light Praesidum (Parish Unit)
St. Peter’s Church, Trenton, Ontario
What is it? The Legion of Mary is a world-wide organization of Catholics, men and women, who offer services to their pastor to aid him in performing spiritual works in the parish. Its leader and protectress is Mary, the Immaculate Mother of Jesus. Approved and blessed by the sovereign Pontiff in whose reigns it has flourished.
The Legion of Mary enables its members to develop greater holiness and genuine happiness by helping their neighbour. They offer their services to their Pastor to bring Christ to the world.
Where/When it originated? The Legion of Mary originated in the city of Dublin in the year 1921, Irish layman Frank Duff with a few colleagues formed this Catholic association to care for the spiritually poor, not by material means but gentleness, understanding and guidance.
In November 27, 1931, the first Praesidium (parish unit) was formed in the United States at Raton, New Mexico. It was composed entirely of men.
What are the Legion’s objectives?
Who may join the Legion of Mary? All practising Catholics, men and women, married or single, who wish to play their full part as lay members of the church and who are prepared to follow the Legion’s system.
What are the types of membership? Active members and Auxiliary (praying) members.
As an Active Legionary you will be expected:
As an Auxiliary Legionary you will be expected:
Note: There are No membership fees or other financial obligations.
Examples of Legion Work:
How to join the Legion of Mary:
Interested to join?
Please contact Zibby or call the Parish Office 613-392-3767