There are lots of ways to make your contribution to the life of the Church, both locally and farther afield.
The St. Vincent de Paul Society ~ When you have items to donate - remember us Please call the parish centre at 392-3767 during office hours to arrange pick-up. Become a volunteer.
Help to feed the hungry in our own community by bringing non-perishable food items to the church on the last Sunday of each month. Just leave the groceries inside the church near the centre doors and they will be given to the Trenton Care & Share Food Bank for distribution.
Help feed the hungry elsewhere by clicking once a day on The Hunger Site. Yes, it really is that simple!
Looking for an opportunity to spend some quiet time with the Lord? There are open hours in the ADORATION CHAPEL schedule (even for a few weeks or months). Additional substitutes are also needed. Call 613-392-3767 to sign up.
Borrow a book or videotape from the St. Peter’s Lending Library, which is located at the back of the church. Just put your name and telephone number in the sign-out book (and return the borrowed items within 4 weeks).
Daily Mass is broadcast on Vision TV, channel 21, Monday to Friday at 8 am and noon and on Saturday at 8 am.
The next Marriage Preparation Weekend ~ TBD
The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) has issued a number of documents in defence of marriage. Below are some helpful links:
The Vatican web site also contains a wealth of material, including statements from the Holy Father and excerpts from the catechism.
6 am to 12 Midnight Monday to Friday – Adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament in the “Eucharistic Chapel of Mary, Mother of the Divine Mercy” in the parish centre. (Those with the entry code may visit any time!)
Mondays — Legion of Mary Prayer Meeting at the Parish Centre 3 pm - Queen St. entrance
(Postponed TBD) Wednesdays — Followers of Jesus Prayer Group and Scripture Study at 3 pm in the Parish Centre (Queens St. Entrance). The prayer group comes together for a time of praise & thanksgiving, with the main focus on “Celebrating the Word“, in preparation for the Sunday Mass, designed by Fr. Frank Ruetz C.R. Come & see! During the Winter Months the prayer group meets in the Parish Centre at 2:pm. Will resume in the Fall
Wednesdays — Catholic Information Class/RCIA ~ cancelled untill further notice .
If you are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith with a view of possibly becoming a Catholic please call the Parish Centre (613) 392-3767 for information and to register.
Fridays– Adoration and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament at 3:30 pm preceding Mass. During Lent Stations of the Cross is 4pm ~ Mass followes 4:30 pm